Reception desk

Receptionist - the first employee of the hotel, with whom the guest meets. Therefore, it is responsible for creating the first positive impression.

Receptionist is the face of the hotel. He is obliged to provide quality service to the guest, issue the necessary papers at the time of settlement and answer all questions. Communication skills at the receptionist must be at a high level, so employers have high requirements for knowledge of the English language.

girls, 18-32 years old, pleasant appearance, conversational level of foreign languages, work experience, knowledge of specialized programs.

- Receives and distributes phone calls.
- Organizes the reception and accommodation of customers, the delivery of their luggage in the rooms.
- Accepts and prepares the documents required for registration at the hotel.
- Informs the callers and those staying at the hotel about the services provided by the hotel, accepts orders for their execution, controls their execution.
- Controls the timeliness of payment for hotel accommodation and services provided.

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Employment in the UAE, Turkey
Jobs in large companies with a worldwide reputation.


Bishkek, str. Kalyk Akiev 66 

TC "Spring", 3rd floor, office 48

0702 088555, 0553 588555 

0552 088555, 0707 588555

Company "Sun Rise" Employment in the countries: United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait Turkey. This is your chance in the future☝️ "Use the opportunities that life gives you!"

Sun rise