

Oman (Arabic. عُمان) is a state in Western Asia, in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula. It borders with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. It is washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman.



The population is 4,003,058 people, including about 1 million foreigners (estimate for 2014) [7].
Annual growth - 2%;
Fertility is 23.9 per 1000 (fertility is 2.9 births per woman);
Mortality - 3.5 per 1000;
About 80% of Oman’s population is Arabs. They are divided into two groups - Arab-Ariba ("purebred Arabs"), which include the descendants of the tribes who came back in antiquity from Yemen, and Musta-Ariba ("mixed Arabs"). On the coast of Oman, the Arab population is largely mixed with African slaves and freedmen, as a result of which a significant Negroid impurity is noticeable, there are many mulattoes. Indians, Balochi, and Persians also live in the port cities of Oman. In the southern region of Oman - Dhofar, a significant part of the population calls itself "Kara", they have pronounced Negroid features, and their dialect is closer to the languages ​​of Ethiopia than to Arabic.


Oman is characterized by a hot dry climate (in inland areas) and a hot humid climate (on the coasts). Summer temperatures in Muscat, as well as in other coastal areas, can often rise to 43 ° C with high humidity. Winters are mild, temperatures practically do not fall below 17 ° C. In the interior, the temperatures are quite similar; In mountainous areas, the climate is more temperate. The Dhofar Plateau in the south-west of the country is located in the area of ​​the summer monsoon, receiving abundant rainfall. However, a large part of the country receives very scant rainfall, the level of which only about 100 mm per year


Oman (in the north-east) and the slopes of the Arabian Plate (in the south-west) are distinguished on the territory of the country by the mountain-folding system. The adjoining south-western part of the Rub al-Khali depression and the southern regions of the Persian Gulf form the advanced Predomansky trough. Edge parts of the Rub al-Khali and Hadramaut uplifts, the largest structural elements of the south of the Arabian Plate, enter the southern and southwestern regions of Oman. The thickness of the sedimentary cover is 1.5 - 7 km. Mesozoic deposits are represented by carbonate rocks with layers of sulfates and terrigenous rocks. Cenozoic sediments - mainly limestone, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite. [1] The most important minerals are oil and gas. In the mountains of Hajjar there is a deposit of copper ores.

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