
Hostess is the hall administrator. The main task of the hostess is to ensure a comfortable stay of the guest in the restaurant hall.

Hostess is the face of the restaurant. This is the first person with whom the guest contacts. Usually the hostesses accompany the guest to the table, advise and make recommendations on the menu, and also, if necessary, assist the waiters in serving guests.

Profession hostess is very young. Previously, the hostess could be found only in very expensive establishments. Now there is a hostess in every self-respecting restaurant.

girls, 18-30 years old, pleasant appearance, conversational level of foreign languages, work experience is desirable.

- Provides an efficient and cultural service for restaurant visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.
- Meets and receives guests. Accompany guests to the table.
- Manages the attention of the client at the initial moment of stay in the restaurant and further, if necessary.
- Helps the waiters as needed.
- Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

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