The bartender is a specialist in the preparation of drinks and cocktails at a catering establishment.
The bartender must know the recipe of drinks and cocktails, as well as be able to cook them quickly and efficiently. The work of the bartender includes processing by ordering both from the waiters from the hall and from visitors at the bar.
boys / girls, 18-30 years old, good looks, conversational level of foreign languages, work experience.
- Serves visitors at the bar ready to drink alcoholic beverages.
- Serves visitors for bar-resistant confectionery and other products with the preparation of a wide range of alcoholic and low-alcohol beverages: strong, dessert, sparkling, with fruit, eggs, layered cocktails, sandwiches, punches, grog, mulled wine, dyes and other beverages.
- Mixes the components of drinks in shakers, fryonnitsah, beat them with the help of tools and mechanisms.
- Advises visitors on the order of snacks and various beverages.